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Tower Amazon Jungle Ecuador forest sunset sky
A wonder of nature One of the four worlds that Ecuador has to offer is the Amazon Rainforest, a true wonder of nature that can give you that plus that you were looking for when visiting this great country. You will be thrilled with everything that can be found in there, having the chance to […]
Facts About Galápagos
The Galapagos Islands are one of the most fascinating and mesmerizing places on earth. Volcanic islands, growing out of the ocean and being home to fascinating species such as playful sea lions, fearless birds with blue or red feet – our boobies, diving Iguanas and many more. Each island looks different, inhabits different flora and […]
sports in galapagos kayak
Trekking the Enchanted Islands There is so much to see in the Galapagos that you could spend the entire day the without getting bored! So why not just do so? Grab your backpack, a water bottle, a pair of comfortable shoes, sunscreen and start wandering around the Galapagos Islands. However, don’t forget that not all […]
colta ecuador highlands
Ecuador, a South American country located in the middle of the world has one of the richest eco-systems and quantity of climates in the world, going from really hot regions in the coast and cooling down until reaching below zero temperature at the snow capped mountains of the Andean region. The Ecuadorian Andean region, also […]
Did you know about the huge size of the Galapagos Marine Reserve? Its total area is of 133,000 sq. km., which is almost the size of Louisiana. In the other hand, the islands that comprise the Galapagos National Park cover just a small area of 8,000 sq. km. of wonders and uniqueness. Therefore, most of […]
The times has come, you have already booked your cruise and you are ready to enjoy a once in a lifetime vacations in the Enchanted Islands. However, there are 10 things to know when going on a Galapagos cruise that will help you make your experience smoother and help you relax while sailing through the […]
ecuador coast andean sunset vacations travel tour river
Ecuador is such a diverse country, it offers you way more than just a regular holiday experience. The national slogan “All you need is Ecuador” is absolutely true! No matter what kind of holiday you prefer – Ecuador provides everything! The diversity of this amazing, unique country is mostly based on the four different climate zones you can […]
Since the predominant religion in Ecuador is Catholicism, the traditional Easter holiday is far more religious than the commercialized Easter celebrations (Easter bunnies, Easter egg hunts) in other countries.
The Galapagos Islands, a fragile ecosystem far out to sea, are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Every time the El Niño or La Niña phenomenon strikes, the plants and animals of the archipelago suffer. What are these climate changes, and how do they affect the islands? What is El Niño? El Niño is a periodic […]
The Galapagos Islands have always provided a challenge to ecologists who want to preserve them but who recognize the need for locals to live there as well. One consistent problem has been energy: how do you get electricity to these far-flung islands? Two of the Galapagos Islands, Floreana and San Cristóbal, are aggressively looking for […]
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