Category: cruises

While other destinations are pretty easy to figure out, Galapagos is a little more difficult to navigate, and it’s actually to your benefit to book your Galapagos Islands tour with a travel agency. With an extra transit visa, a park entrance fee, traveling to remote islands, and many other hurdles, it can be hard to […]
When trying to figure out the best time to buy your Galapagos tour there are a few things to keep in mind. The number one suggestion is to always try to buy early, as there are lots of people who want to visit Galapagos National Park, but there is limited space.            If you want to […]
The Galapagos Islands is a dream destination.  Who hasn’t seen one of the many Galapagos TV specials featuring jolly sea lions, majestic giant tortoises, and beautiful fish and not wanted to come?  Since the 1960s visitors have been flocking to the Galapagos.  But what is the best way to see the Galapagos Islands?  There are three basic options: small ships, large […]
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Picture by: Mountain Leon Somewhere in between the Pacific Ocean, laying over 600 miles off the beaches of South America, you can find one of the most wonderful and pristine places on the face of the Earth; The Galapagos Islands, a natural haven worth visiting at least once in a lifetime.Therefore, and considering this is […]
Those who really know the Galapagos Islands generally give the same advice; the best way to see the islands is on a live-aboard cruise.  There are many benefits including the chance to see more Galapagos Islands with their unique species, comfort, value, adventure, great food and facilities and more, however; many people who have gone on […]
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The continental mainland is crossed by the Andes Mountains and bordered by Peru, Colombia and the Pacific Ocean. The insular territory includes the unique Galapagos Islands.   In this country, you can find a diversity of climates to enjoy from the snow of the Andes to the paradisiacal beaches and the mysterious jungles of the Amazon […]
Among parent’s least favorite children’s expression: “Mum/Dad, I’m bored”. It makes us feel guilty and concerned at the same time. But you’ll never hear that cry from the heart if you take a Galapagos family vacation which is perfect for keeping children of all ages fascinated, energized and never bored. Your kids will have a […]
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