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whale shark diving galapagos islands hotels cruises travel adventure underwater
“Best kept secret about the Galapagos” offered my Galapagos guide friend, and it’s true, Galapagos diving is often completely overlooked by many travellers because there’s just so much to see and do on the actual islands. But just this summer back in July 2017 experienced divers voted on a specialist dive website that the Galapagos […]
peru as a travel destination
So you’re thinking about travelling around the world to come and visit the Galapagos Islands and as memorable as they surely are, totally stunning and unique, how about turning your vacation into a true YOLO experience (You Only Live Once) by adding an extension trip to Peru and visiting two world acclaimed tourist destinations during the same vacation? No […]
bartholomew bartolome galapagos volcanic formation how were geology
The Galapagos Islands were created by volcanoes over the course of ages, born of the fires deep within the Earth’s core. However the volcanoes in the Archipelago are different. The islands sit on what is called the Nazca Plate, one of which form the Earth’s crust in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, a particularity about this […]
Tower Amazon Jungle Ecuador forest sunset sky
A wonder of nature One of the four worlds that Ecuador has to offer is the Amazon Rainforest, a true wonder of nature that can give you that plus that you were looking for when visiting this great country. You will be thrilled with everything that can be found in there, having the chance to […]
ecuador coast andean sunset vacations travel tour river
Ecuador is such a diverse country, it offers you way more than just a regular holiday experience. The national slogan “All you need is Ecuador” is absolutely true! No matter what kind of holiday you prefer – Ecuador provides everything! The diversity of this amazing, unique country is mostly based on the four different climate zones you can […]
Since the predominant religion in Ecuador is Catholicism, the traditional Easter holiday is far more religious than the commercialized Easter celebrations (Easter bunnies, Easter egg hunts) in other countries.
The Galapagos Islands, a fragile ecosystem far out to sea, are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Every time the El Niño or La Niña phenomenon strikes, the plants and animals of the archipelago suffer. What are these climate changes, and how do they affect the islands? What is El Niño? El Niño is a periodic […]
The Galapagos Islands have always provided a challenge to ecologists who want to preserve them but who recognize the need for locals to live there as well. One consistent problem has been energy: how do you get electricity to these far-flung islands? Two of the Galapagos Islands, Floreana and San Cristóbal, are aggressively looking for […]
In Galapagos, the two main industries are tourism and fishing…and they do not always get along very well. Galapagos Fishermen resent any sort of catch limit, which biologists maintain are necessary to maintain the delicate ecosystems in the archipelago.
Lonesome George, the last of his Giant tortoise species, has died at the Charles Darwin Research Station in the Galapagos Islands. Lonesome George’s death was announced by the Edwin Naula, the head of the Galapagos National Park service. Galapagos National Park Officials plan to carry out a post mortem. No one knows exactly how old […]
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