Day: March 27, 2017

For centuries, the Galapagos Islands were a remote, lawless land. Considered nearly uninhabitable by the earliest visitors, the Galapagos Islands soon became known as a good place to hunt turtles and goats, take on water and make repairs for ships.
2009 will be a big year in the Galapagos Islands, as the people of the archipelago celebrate the 200th birthday of their most famous honorary resident, British naturalist Charles Darwin (1809-1882). 2009 coincidentally marks the 150th anniversary of the first publication of Darwin’s groundbreaking book, On the Origin of Species, which detailed his controversial Theory […]
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Charles Darwin, the most famous of many visitors to the Galapagos Islands, is today remembered mainly for his Theory of Evolution. It’s important to remember, however, that Darwin was not the first one to suggest that animals changed over the course of generations to become more suited to their environment.When Darwin visited the Galapagos Islands […]
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