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ecuador customs festivities folklore carnival otavalo
Ecuador is a country filled with history and culture, featuring numerous interesting traditional festivities. Some of which preserve their indigenous roots, and some others marked by the influence of the Spanish and Catholic culture.Below you will find a short introduction to the most celebrated festivities in Ecuador. Which are really worth being a part of, […]
The Galapagos Islands is a dream destination.  Who hasn’t seen one of the many Galapagos TV specials featuring jolly sea lions, majestic giant tortoises, and beautiful fish and not wanted to come?  Since the 1960s visitors have been flocking to the Galapagos.  But what is the best way to see the Galapagos Islands?  There are three basic options: small ships, large […]
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” And indeed even in Galapagos Christmas a very special season and one of the most demanded seasons by tourists. For this reason, it is important to plan really in advance if you want to be in the Galapagos for Christmas and New Year. Unlike major cities, or […]
charles darwin origin of the species adventure galapagos evolution ecuador vacations travel
“In a few days time the Beagle will sail for the Galapagos Islands. I look forward with joy and interest to this, both as being somewhat nearer to England and for the sake of having a good look at an active volcano.” Charles Darwin Letter to J.S Henslow, July, 12, 1835. Charles Robert Darwin was […]
Those who really know the Galapagos Islands generally give the same advice; the best way to see the islands is on a live-aboard cruise.  There are many benefits including the chance to see more Galapagos Islands with their unique species, comfort, value, adventure, great food and facilities and more, however; many people who have gone on […]
It’s a commonly asked question: When is the best time to go to Galapagos? There are many answers, depending on what you want out of your Galapagos trip. If you want to see the reptiles and mammals that the Galapagos Islands are famous for, you may want to consult this calendar to help you plan […]
sealion cruises sea sunset galapagos ecuador travel vacations tours wildlife
Drawing confidence from naturally beautiful surroundings and her status as the capital of Galapagos Province, Puerto Baquerizo is a great place to chillax in comfort, as well as a good starting point to many cruises and tours around the islands. One of the most characteristics of Puerto Baqueriso are the views, the not-very-strenuous hikes and […]
sealion cruises sea sunset galapagos ecuador travel vacations tours wildlife
Is paradise a destination or an idea? If your idea of paradise is a tranquil powder puff white sand beach lined with palm trees set next to a small sleepy village with just enough services and comfort levels to remind you of civilization then Puerto Villamil is your paradise. There are no beach hawkers here, […]
racer snake galapagos snake ecuador travel vacation tour
The Galapagos Islands is a magical place that welcomes many species, the majority of them being endemic to the islands that attract and surprise many visitors from all around the world. It seems biodiversity sees no limits in the insular region of Ecuador. However, there are many endemic species that are more famous than others, […]
thomas berlanga galapagos history ecuador travel tour
In 1487 two poor agricultural workers gave birth to Tomas Gomez in the rural village of Berlanga. It was an inauspicious entrance to the world for Tomas de Berlanga who went on to be the first ‘western’ person to see and set foot on the Galapagos some 47 years later in 1534. It was Berlanga […]
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