Category: Culture

ecuador customs festivities folklore carnival otavalo
Ecuador is a country filled with history and culture, featuring numerous interesting traditional festivities. Some of which preserve their indigenous roots, and some others marked by the influence of the Spanish and Catholic culture.Below you will find a short introduction to the most celebrated festivities in Ecuador. Which are really worth being a part of, […]
charles darwin origin of the species adventure galapagos evolution ecuador vacations travel
“In a few days time the Beagle will sail for the Galapagos Islands. I look forward with joy and interest to this, both as being somewhat nearer to England and for the sake of having a good look at an active volcano.” Charles Darwin Letter to J.S Henslow, July, 12, 1835. Charles Robert Darwin was […]
El Panecillo Ecuador Culture
One of the most noteworthy landmarks in Quito is the Panecillo. This 200-metre-high hill is crowned with a 45-metre-tall statue of the Virgin Mary who overlooks the historic centre of the city. The hill was the site of an indigenous temple of sun before the Spanish destroyed it during the conquest of the region. The […]
Every year, thousands of visitors come to the Galapagos for the trip of a lifetime. A plethora of island and cruise activities keep them busy. Yet many of them may have time to ponder how the Galapagos got its name. Insulae de los Galopegos The Inca claimed to have discovered some islands in the Pacific, but it is not known for sure […]
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