Category: wildlife

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What do Miami Vice, Fleetwood Mac, and the original film “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” have in common? Answer – they have all made reference to the albatross. The Galapagos Albatross or Waved Albatross, as it is also known, is one of the 21 species of albatross, an animal with such mythical allure that it […]
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Close encounters of the fearless kind, this is perhaps one of the strongest impressions that many visitors take home after a Galapagos trip. Of all the Galapagos mammals it’s probably the Galapagos Sea Lion that most contributes to this impression. The way these endemic sea lions lie sprawled in many of the same haunts that […]
floreana tortois galapagos travel vacations wildlife conservancy
Resurrecting dead creatures may be a nightmare from the realms of pure science-fiction but a new scientific program in the Galapagos, The Giant Tortoise Restoration Initiative (GTRI) is proving that resurrecting extinct species can become a reality. The new program is fascinating biologists and scientists around the world because it should lead to the extinct Floreana giant […]
Sharks in the Galapagos
Hammerhead shark The Galapagos Islands is one of the few remaining places in the world where the hammerhead shark can be spotted gathering together in large school of several hundreds. The main purpose of their scalloped front edge of their hammer shaped head is to improve vision and to provide a larger area for the […]
Facts About Galápagos
The Galapagos Islands are one of the most fascinating and mesmerizing places on earth. Volcanic islands, growing out of the ocean and being home to fascinating species such as playful sea lions, fearless birds with blue or red feet – our boobies, diving Iguanas and many more. Each island looks different, inhabits different flora and […]
Did you know about the huge size of the Galapagos Marine Reserve? Its total area is of 133,000 sq. km., which is almost the size of Louisiana. In the other hand, the islands that comprise the Galapagos National Park cover just a small area of 8,000 sq. km. of wonders and uniqueness. Therefore, most of […]
lonesome george tortoise galapagos program travel vacations wildlife conservancy
The death of LonesomeGeorge marked the extinction of the Pinta Island tortoise. Other islands have also seen their giant tortoise species go extinct too such as Santa Fe and Floreana. Over the last few hundred years, sailors, whalers, and pirates slaughtered and captured so many tortoises and drove them to extinction on some islands.
blue footed booby birds galapagos ecuador hotels cruises travel vacations
There are three species of booby resident in the Galapagos Islands; none is endemic. Boobies are strong fliers, sometimes feeding many kilometers offshore. They have forward-pointing, stereoscopic vision which allows them to judge distance accurately and pinpoint their prey, even underwater. Booby refers to the Spanish word Bobo, meaning clown or stupid. The Blue-Footed Booby […]
Galapagos Snake Species The Galapagos Islands is a magical place that welcomes many species, the majority of them being endemic to the islands that attract and surprise many visitors from all around the world. It seems biodiversity sees no limits in the insular region of Ecuador. However, there are many endemic species that are more famous than […]
Everyone knows Lonesome George. He’s the last of his kind, the sole surviving member of his species, the only remaining Pinta Island Giant Tortoise. George is the one who got all the Galápagos calendars, t-shirts, post cards and coffee mugs. He’s the one had an enclosure for himself (and his girlfriends) at the Charles Darwin Research […]
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