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Knowing how to get to the Galapagos Islands is really easy, and with the help of this article you will know how to plan your journey to a fantastic vacation. When traveling to Galapagos, first of all,  is important to consider that they are 600 miles off the coast of South America, therefore, and as a protected […]
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“In a few days time the Beagle will sail for the Galapagos Islands. I look forward with joy and interest to this, both as being somewhat nearer to England and for the sake of having a good look at an active volcano.” Charles Darwin Letter to J.S Henslow, July, 12, 1835. Charles Robert Darwin was […]
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Picture by: Mountain Leon Somewhere in between the Pacific Ocean, laying over 600 miles off the beaches of South America, you can find one of the most wonderful and pristine places on the face of the Earth; The Galapagos Islands, a natural haven worth visiting at least once in a lifetime.Therefore, and considering this is […]
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Visitors to the Galapagos Islands will hear their guides talk about three different types of animals and plants. The terms used to describe them are endemic, native and introduced. What’s the difference? Endemic animals are only found in Galapagos: the marine iguana is one example. Native animals are found naturally in Galapagos and elsewhere: the Frigatebird is a good example. Introduced […]
Those who really know the Galapagos Islands generally give the same advice; the best way to see the islands is on a live-aboard cruise.  There are many benefits including the chance to see more Galapagos Islands with their unique species, comfort, value, adventure, great food and facilities and more, however; many people who have gone on […]
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Deciding you want to go ahead with your Once in a Lifetime Trip to the Galapagos Islands is one thing. However, when you start planning you realize that there are some things to be considered. If you’ve done any pre-research you’ll have started to recognize that there is a lot of information online about the […]
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The Galapagos Islands attract thousands of visitors every year, and nearly all of them are equipped with cameras.  This is not surprising since the Galapagos Islands are a world-class photography destination for professional and amateur nature photographers . Here are some tips for photographing your once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Galapagos. 1. Schedule a combination cruise/land […]
It’s a commonly asked question: When is the best time to go to Galapagos? There are many answers, depending on what you want out of your Galapagos trip. If you want to see the reptiles and mammals that the Galapagos Islands are famous for, you may want to consult this calendar to help you plan […]
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The continental mainland is crossed by the Andes Mountains and bordered by Peru, Colombia and the Pacific Ocean. The insular territory includes the unique Galapagos Islands.   In this country, you can find a diversity of climates to enjoy from the snow of the Andes to the paradisiacal beaches and the mysterious jungles of the Amazon […]
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Drawing confidence from naturally beautiful surroundings and her status as the capital of Galapagos Province, Puerto Baquerizo is a great place to chillax in comfort, as well as a good starting point to many cruises and tours around the islands. One of the most characteristics of Puerto Baqueriso are the views, the not-very-strenuous hikes and […]
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