sealion cruises sea sunset galapagos ecuador travel vacations tours wildlife
Is paradise a destination or an idea? If your idea of paradise is a tranquil powder puff white sand beach lined with palm trees set next to a small sleepy village with just enough services and comfort levels to remind you of civilization then Puerto Villamil is your paradise. There are no beach hawkers here, […]
puerto ayora pier sunset galapagos ecuador
I love towns like Puerto Ayora; large enough and with enough visitors that you continually meet new people but small and laid-back enough that you never feel stressed.Puerto Ayora is the still quite sleepy little capital of Santa Cruz Island. There are a few pickups rolling down the streets, some mopeds and motorbikes either parked […]
pool landscape galapagos hotel luxury ecuador travel vacation tour
Sit with a group of tourists discussing the Galapagos for long enough and eventually the conversation will drift away from the amazing wildlife, the spectacular scenery and the fun that everyone had or is expecting to have and move on to the nitty-gritty question of cost; specifically: Why are the Galapagos so expensive to visit and just to […]
racer snake galapagos snake ecuador travel vacation tour
The Galapagos Islands is a magical place that welcomes many species, the majority of them being endemic to the islands that attract and surprise many visitors from all around the world. It seems biodiversity sees no limits in the insular region of Ecuador. However, there are many endemic species that are more famous than others, […]
thomas berlanga galapagos history ecuador travel tour
In 1487 two poor agricultural workers gave birth to Tomas Gomez in the rural village of Berlanga. It was an inauspicious entrance to the world for Tomas de Berlanga who went on to be the first ‘western’ person to see and set foot on the Galapagos some 47 years later in 1534. It was Berlanga […]
Among parent’s least favorite children’s expression: “Mum/Dad, I’m bored”. It makes us feel guilty and concerned at the same time. But you’ll never hear that cry from the heart if you take a Galapagos family vacation which is perfect for keeping children of all ages fascinated, energized and never bored. Your kids will have a […]
In the middle of the Galapagos Islands coat of arms is the image of a tortoise, perfectly apt because the islands are named after the Galapagos Giant tortoise. Well actually galápago means terrapin in Spanish but the first Hispanic mariners were not splitting hairs at that time and probably intent on avoiding confusion with other […]
Las Tintoreras. Such a small location but such huge biodiversity! Typical of Ecuador of course, as it’s the most bio-diverse nation on the planet. But honestly … you’d have to go to your local zoo before you found more animals in such a small area – and zoos don’t count. We’re talking animals in their natural habitat […]
royal frigatebird galapagos hotel cruises vacations travel birds wildlife ecuador
When is a Royal magnificent? We’re not talking about some stand-out European prince or princess here but rather the Galapagos Royal Frigatebird or the Magnificent Frigatebird as it is often called. Bedecked in royal robe colors with the shoulder plumage of the males glistening purple in sunlight and with 7 foot wingspan spread, this truly […]
Of all the sea animals perhaps sea lions are the most playful and the Galapagos Sea Lion is no exception. If you wanted to throw an imaginary animal party then sea lions would be close to top of your guest list; they are just so much fun! Of all the animals that create a Galapagos memory mosaic […]
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