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3 Days - Peru Tour Extensions |

Peru 3-day tour extensions to Nasca & Paracas, Trujillo & Chiclayo, Titicaca Lake and Arequipa.


3 Days / 2 Nights

Nasca & Paracas (3d/2n)

You will spend the first of your three days tour flying over the Nazca Lines in order to see the ancient designs in them. On the second day, you will visit the Regional Museum of Ica and the oasis of Huacachuna. The amazing Ballestas Islands will be visited on the last day.

Description 1 person 2 people 3 people
Luxury US$ 2844
US$ 1513 US$ 1210
First Class US$ 2601
US$ 1406 US$ 1104
Standard US$ 2496
US$ 1558 US$ 1285

*For prices for more than 4 people, please ask your trip advisor.

Nasca & Paracas (3d/2n) Itinerary Details

Duration: 3 Days / 2 Nights
Type: 3 Days - Peru Tour Extensions |

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Day 1


  • Departure from the airport or from your hotel to Nasca (With private vehicle and English speaking guide for three days)
  • Over flight of Nasca Lines (30 minute flight, shared service). The Nasca Lines are gigantic geoglyphs located between Palpa and Nazca desert, there were created by the Nasca culture between 200 BC and 600 AD. There are many of individual figures, ranging in complexity from simple lines to stylized hummingbirds, spiders, monkeys, and lizards. The Nasca lines cannot be recognized as coherent figures except from the air.
  • Overnight
Day 2


  • Breakfast
  • Morning at leisure
  • Continue to Paracas. On route we'll visit the very interesting Regional Museum of Ica, which exhibits objects from the Nasca and Paracas cultures.
  • Also, short visit of the oasis of "Huacachina" 5 km west out of Ica with incredible sand dunes completely surrounding it.
  • Arrive to Paracas.
  • Overnight
Day 3


  • Breakfast
  • Excursion to Ballestas Islands. (shared tour, approx. 2hrs, panoramic tour) You'll depart by motorboat from the pier of Hotel Libertador Paracas.
  • On the way to the islands you'll be able to observe the "candelabro", a figure in the sand dunes which resembles a trident. About the origin of this figure exists various contradicting theories.
  • Arriving at the islands, you'll be able to watch sea lions, seabirds ranging from the guanay cormorant to Peruvian pelicans and if we're lucky you might even see one of the famous Humboldt penguins.
  • Afterwards, return to Lima directly to the airport to board your international flight

* Subject to availability

Additional Information
  • *Share Willing Basis (applied in activities - not in accomodation)
  • All prices are per person in US dollars, based on double accomodation
Rates Include
  • Accommodation and meals as detailed in each program
  • Transfers and sightseeing with local English speaking guides
  • Vistadome train OR Machu Picchu Train: Poroy or Ollantaytambo/Aguas Calientes/Poroy – subject to confirmation
Not Included
  • Beverages
  • Tips
  • Personal expenses
  • Meals and services not specified in program
  • Airport taxes
  • Air transportation / round trip domestic tickets.


3 Days / 2 Nights

Trujillo & Chiclayo (3d/2n)

During this tour, you will visit the city center of Trujillo with its colonial mansions, museum, surfer beach and pre-hispanic urban center. In Chiclayo, you will see the archeological complex of El Brujo, the Museum of Sica and the Royal Tombs of the Sipan National Museum.

Description 1 person 2 people 3 people
First Class US$ 1598
US$ 878 US$ 831
Superior US$ 1423
US$ 801 US$ 741
Standard US$ 1331
US$ 741 US$ 680

*For prices for more than 4 people, please ask your trip advisor.

Trujillo & Chiclayo (3d/2n) Itinerary Details

Duration: 3 Days / 2 Nights
Type: 3 Days - Peru Tour Extensions |

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Day 1


  • Upon arrival in Trujillo, meet and transfer to selected hotel
  • Overnight
Day 2


  • Breakfast
  • Panoramic visit of the city center surrounded by colonial mansions. We will visit the main square and two colonial mansions: La Casa Urquiaga (now Banco de la Reserva) and La Casa de La Emancipación. Also we will visit to the National University of Trujillo Museum of Archeology, Anthropology and History), which exhibits ceramic objects, jewelry, clothing, and feather mosaic.
  • Continue to visit the Huaca del Sol and Huaca de la Luna. Huaca del Sol functioned as the political-administrative center, and Huaca de la Luna as the ceremonial center. The urban zone is located between the two and is composed of houses, large avenues, alleys, corridors, and squares. These components confirm the high level of political, religious, economic, and social organization of the Moches.
  • Lunch at Huanchaco, one of the most popular beaches along the coast of Peru for surfers. Here you will see the traditional rafts called the "caballitos de totora" (little horses of totora reeds), used by the fishermen in the north coast of Peru since pre-Columbian times, still navigate these waters.
  • In the afternoon we will visit Chan Chan: this pre-Hispanic urban center represents the largest mud city in pre-Hispanic America. In 1986, it was declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO. Chan Chan might have been the capital of the Chimu kingdom. Return to selected hotel
  • Overnight
Day 3


  • Breakfast
  • Early departure by private car headed to Chiclayo.
  • On route stop over at El Brujo Archeological Complex). It is formed by the three following constructions: Huaca Prieta, Huaca Cao and Huaca Cortada. Researchers have found signs of occupation since the pre-ceramic period (5000 years ago). The most famous image is the “Head Slaughterer”, one of the most important polychromatic friezes. The figure of the slaughterer is also to be found in the ritual scenes represented on the pottery.
  • On arrival in Chiclayo area, we will visit the Musem of Sica or House of the Moon. It is a museum that exhibits artifacts found in the site digs of Batán Grande and demonstrates how they were used or fabricated. The intention is to model different aspects linked to the Sican culture through the representation of the details of domestic life, the manufacturing processes, or production work. The rooms represent excavated tombs and exhibit the burial paraphernalia discovered there. The museum also
  • Lunch at a local restaurant before going to the Royal Tombs of Sipan National Museum: This modern architectural building houses the collection of archeological objects of gold, silver, and copper found in the tomb of the Lord of Sipan. The museum is directed by the archeologist Watler Alva, manager and director of the project, who was also the discoverer of the tomb in the archeological zone of the Huaca Rajada in the town of Sipan. Among the many important pieces are earrings, ceremonial scepte
  • Tour ends at the airport to board your flight to Lima

* Subject to availability

Additional Information
  • *Share Willing Basis (applied in activities - not in accomodation)
  • All prices are per person in US dollars, based on double accomodation
Rates Include
  • Accommodation and meals as detailed in each program
  • Transfers and sightseeing with local English speaking guides
  • Vistadome train OR Machu Picchu Train: Poroy or Ollantaytambo/Aguas Calientes/Poroy – subject to confirmation
Not Included
  • Beverages
  • Tips
  • Personal expenses
  • Meals and services not specified in program
  • Airport taxes
  • Air transportation / round trip domestic tickets.

PUNO (3D/2N)

3 Days / 2 Nights

Puno (3d/2n)

This 3 day tour takes you to amazing Puno. On the way there, you can already enjoy some interesting places such as the "Andean Sistine Chapel" of Andahuaylillas. In Puno, you will get to see the Titicaca Lake, the Uros and Taquile Island.

Description 1 person 2 people 3 people
First Class US$ 1014
US$ 575 US$ 548
Superior US$ 953
US$ 529 US$ 515
Standard US$ 756
US$ 454 US$ 408

*For prices for more than 4 people, please ask your trip advisor.

Puno (3d/2n) Itinerary Details

Duration: 3 Days / 2 Nights
Type: 3 Days - Peru Tour Extensions |

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Day 1


  • Transfer to bus station
  • Leave by regular tourist bus service to Puno. (shared service) This journey features some stops at main interesting places such as: Andahuaylillas, referred to as the Andean Sistine Chapel because of its magnificent frescoes, the church is but one example of the mestizo baroque architecture typical of the Cusco School which was prominent in the 17th century. You will marvel at the ceiling of carved panels covered with gold leaf. Raqchi or the temple of the God Wiracocha) 121 kilometers from Cusc
  • Arrival in Puno and transfer to selected hotel
  • Overnight
Day 2


  • Breakfast
  • Full day to visit Uros and Taquile islands (Shared boat with private English speaking guide). We will board a small boat and venture out onto the waters of Titicaca Lake. Visit to one of the native Uros communities located on a man-made floating island in the lake. The Uros people live totally interwoven with the "Totora" reed which grows abundantly in the shallows of the lake.
  • Continue to Taquile. The community here lives in perfect harmony with the environment. "Taquileños" wear colorful traditional clothes which they make themselves and maintain a strong air of group individuality. Men always seem to be walking around the island knitting the woolen caps they wear. Women weave traditional clothes, which are among the most beautiful Peru's.
  • Lunch based on set menu at Taquile.
  • In the afternoon, return to Puno.
  • Overnight
Day 3


  • Breakfast
  • Transfer to Juliaca airport to board your flight to Lima

* Subject to availability

Additional Information
  • *Share Willing Basis (applied in activities - not in accomodation)
  • All prices are per person in US dollars, based on double accomodation
Rates Include
  • Accommodation and meals as detailed in each program
  • Transfers and sightseeing with local English speaking guides
  • Vistadome train OR Machu Picchu Train: Poroy or Ollantaytambo/Aguas Calientes/Poroy – subject to confirmation
Not Included
  • Beverages
  • Tips
  • Personal expenses
  • Meals and services not specified in program
  • Airport taxes
  • Air transportation / round trip domestic tickets.


3 Days / 2 Nights

Arequipa (3d/2n)

Your Arequipa tour starts with visiting the colorful Santa Catalina Monastery. On your second day, you will head to stunning Colca Valley, where you can enjoy amazing views and relaxing thermal baths.

Description 1 person 2 people 3 people
First Class US$ 1875
US$ 1014 US$ 818
Superior US$ 1784
US$ 999 US$ 788
Standard US$ 1603
US$ 908 US$ 696

*For prices for more than 4 people, please ask your trip advisor.

Arequipa (3d/2n) Itinerary Details

Duration: 3 Days / 2 Nights
Type: 3 Days - Peru Tour Extensions |

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Day 1


  • Upon arrival in Arequipa airport, transfer to selected hotel.
  • Afternoon city tour. The tour starts with the visit to the Santa Catalina Monastery, a city within the city, founded at the end of XVII century and only opened to the public few years ago. The city tour also includes the Main Plaza or Plaza de Armas, the Cathedral, the Jesuit Cloister and the residential areas of Cayma and Yanahuara to end at the “Mirador de Yanahuara” for a superb view of the volcanoes.
  • Overnight
Day 2


  • Breakfast
  • Departure for a two days package to Colca Valley.
  • This tour is impressive not just due to the beautiful landscapes and the thermal baths you can appreciate, but also due to the cultural symbiosis of the ancient Andean cultures and the Catholic religion introduced by the Spanish. The people living in the valley today are testimony to this history and the cultures of Collaguas and Cabanas settling there. In the early morning we’ll leave Arequipa and head towards the valley.
  • On our way we’ll pass Yura, Pampa de Arrieros, Pampa Cañahuas (where we’ll find the Vicuna National Reserve of Aguada Blanca), Vizcachani and Tojra (all the year we can see here a variety of migratory birds resting in so called “bofedales”, a sort of peat bog). Entering the Colca canyon we’ll arrive at its most important town, Chivay where we’ll also have lunch.
  • In the afternoon we’ll visit the local market and the main square.
  • Overnight
Day 3


  • Breakfast
  • In the morning we’ll drive to the observation point “Cruz del Condor”. While this is not the deepest point of the Canyon, from Cruz del Condor you can appreciate the grandeur of the canyon and with a bit of luck, you might even spot an Andean condor, the largest flying bird in the world, soaring across the high plain.
  • Afterwards, transfer to Puno (with private vehicle and English speaking guide).

* Subject to availability

Additional Information
  • *Share Willing Basis (applied in activities - not in accomodation)
  • All prices are per person in US dollars, based on double accomodation.
Rates Include
  • Accommodation and meals as detailed in each program
  • Transfers and sightseeing with local English speaking guides
  • Vistadome train OR Machu Picchu Train: Poroy or Ollantaytambo/Aguas Calientes/Poroy – subject to confirmation
Not Included
  • Beverages
  • Tips
  • Personal expenses
  • Meals and services not specified in program
  • Airport taxes
  • Air transportation / round trip domestic tickets.
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